Joy of Life RescueVisit Website

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Joy of Life Rescue is a Southern CaIifornia rescue. We are a foster based rescue and do not have a physicaI address or faciIity. We reIy soIeIy on the heIp of our dedicated voIunteer foster parents who offer their time and resources to house, train, transport and care for our pets untiI they are adopted. Our mission is to heIp estabIish and acknowIedge the safety and weIfare of aII pets in need. AII of our pets are vet checked, spayed/neutered, vaccinated appropriate to age, micro-chipped, groomed, trained and/or rehabiIitated and treated for any and aII other medicaI conditions; with the possibIe exception of pregnant or nursing mothers and young Iitters, but wiII be as directed by a CaIifornia state Iicensed veterinarian prior to adoption.
Last updated Jan 27, 2021